1. Your name plus "o" ?= azrino
2. Two feelings at the moment ?= sad and boring
3. What are you listening to right now?= one and only(teitur)
4. A part of a song lyric that's inyour mind right now ?=u are one and only love
5. Describe where you are right now?= at my auntie house
6. What is your highlight of the week ?= nothing
7 . What are u craving to have rightnow?= i want car license
8. Any unforgettable childhood memory ?=watch my li brother died infront of me
9. A not-so-good childhood memory ?= -----------------
10 . What are your nicknames ?= ome
11 . Your plans for tomorrow ?= sleeping
12 . Your two plans for today ?=sleeping
13. Are you thinking of someone rightnow?= yup
14 . Do you party ?= no
15 . Do you like twins ?=yup, so much
16. Fill in the blank "I am ..= lose
17. What kind of animal u like most?=cat
18. Say anything you like to say to whoever reading= i like all of u
19. Are you feeling hungry ?= no
20. Who do you miss rite now ?= let it be secret
21 . Last friend you saw online ?=pearl
2 2. Are you in love?= in love with someone
2 3. What do you like about night ?= dark, star and moon
24. If you were in a farm, what do youwant to see ?= horse
25. Last person who gave a commentto you ?= ayie